The Legendary LDIR
Load And Increment with Style
Performs ldi until BC = 0, effectively copying BC bytes of data from HL to DE, where HL and DE point to the start of their respective blocks.
ret po
jr -5
  • Copying lots of data
    • Sprite routines
    • Copying graphical data from some buffer to the actual screen
    • Filling lots of space with one (or more) bytes
Register/Flag 16-bit (non-ADL) 24-bit (ADL)
S flag Not affected
Z flag Not affected
H flag Reset
P/V flag Set if BC ≠ 0 after the operation; else reset
N flag Reset
C flag Not affected
Allowed Instructions
Instruction Opcode CC (ADL/non-ADL) CC (.S) CC (.L)
ldir $ED, $B0 2F + (1R + 1W + 1)* BC 3F + (1R + 1W + 1)* BC 3F + (1R + 1W + 1)* BC
  • Interrupts can be triggered while this instruction is in progress (unless they are disabled using DI, of course).
  • Assuming you are copying hard-coded data and BC is NOT already set to the desired number of bytes, it is only faster to use hard-coded LDI s instead of ld bc,BytesToCopy \ ldir if you are copying two bytes. Copying three bytes, the cycle times and size of the code are exactly the same (6 bytes, 6F+3R+3W+3).
  • If you want to copy a few more bytes than whatever number is in BC, it is both smaller and significantly faster to use INC BC several times before LDIR than a few LDI s after it. (INC BC is one byte and only 1F (plus the extra 1R + 1W + 1 from LDIR) whereas LDI is two bytes and 2F+1R+1W+1. So you just save one byte and 1F.)
  • Filling a block of memory with a single byte

    ld hl,StartOfData
    ld de,StartOfData+1
    ld bc,SizeOfData-1
    ld (hl),ByteToCopy
  • Copy graphical data from vBuf2 to vBuf1

    ld hl,vBuf2
    ld de,vBuf1
    ld bc,320*240
  • Set up a hard-coded 8bpp palette

    ld hl,Palette_Start
    ld de,mpLcdPalette
    ld bc,Palette_End-Palette_Start
  • A simple 8bpp rectangle drawing routine (credit: MateoConLechuga)

    ; INPUTS
    ; BC                            Width
    ; DE                            X-position
    ; H                                     Height
    ; L                                     Y-position
    ; (FillRect_Color)      Color
            ld a,h ; Store the height in A to be used as a loop counter
            ld h,160
            mlt hl
            add hl,hl ; HL now contains the Y position multiplied by 320
            add hl,de ; Add in the X position...
            ld de,vBuf1
            add hl,de ; And the LCD memory location...
            ; Now HL is pointing to the first pixel of the rectangle
            dec bc ; Get the rectangle width minus 1 in BC (more on that later)
    FillRect_Color = $+1
            ld (hl),0 ; This is self-modifying code
            push hl
            pop de
            inc de ; Now DE = HL + 1
            push bc ; Save BC for later
            ldir ; Copy BC (width-1) bytes from HL (first pixel of this row of the rectangle) to DE (next pixel)
            ; Now one row of the rectangle is done
            pop bc ; Grab BC again
            ld de,320
            add hl,de ; Advanced HL one pixel down...
            sbc hl,bc ; And return to the left edge of the rectangle
            dec a ; Decrement our loop counter...
            jr nz,FillRect_Loop ; And repeat if we haven't finished
See Also